Jeffery Y.

“Zack has taught me the fundamentals and techniques one needs to learn in order to become a successful guitar player as well as how to practice these effectively on my own on a daily basis…All of Zack’s services are provided in a very comfortable and resource plentiful environment. If you ever have questions, be it in lessons or not, he’ll always get back to you. He’s everything you want in a teacher!”



Michael S.

“When I watch him play, I cannot wait to be that good. He is an insane guitarist and never ceases to amaze in both solving my questions or problems I may have, and showing me how much more I can learn when we play or he shows me an example. I will always recommend him with strong confidence to anyone willing to better their skills as a musician because he is the definition of hard work and dedication in mastering and being successful at something you love to do.”



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Kevin P.

“Taking guitar lessons with Zack has been a very rewarding experience.  Zack has vast knowledge in the areas of guitar techniques, music theory, songwriting and recording.  When I get frustrated, he is able to show how I can break things down into simple items that are more manageable to learn and integrate into my guitar playing. Because of Zack, I can honestly say that I am a better musician today.”

Jason W.

“Since I’ve started taking lessons with Zack, my musical database has expanded ten times faster than it would have had I continued on my own.  His lessons have tied together all that I’ve picked up along the way, and have taught me even more.”





Toby R.

 “Zack taught me how to better apply music theory to guitar, helped me improve my technique making my playing speed a lot faster, really helped me improve my improvising, and taught me a lot about recording music. Zack has a vast knowledge of music theory, recording, and of course is a world class guitar player.  I have never left one of Zack’s lessons without feeling energized and like I took another great step towards mastering the guitar.”


Eddy M.

“Zack’s patient style and relatable teachings have made me a well rounded musician in a very short time.  Lessons are extremely entertaining and I always look forward to them each week…Taking lessons from Zack is truly a once in a lifetime opportunity!”



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Zach M.

“Every lesson is fun, interesting, exciting and I learn a ton from him. He’s a great role model for  anyone, especially anyone that wants to jam out on a guitar!”